Source code for amqpy.connection

"""AMQP Connections
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__metaclass__ = type
import logging
import socket
from array import array
import pprint
import six
from threading import Event, Thread, Lock

from . import __version__, compat
from .proto import Method
from .method_io import MethodReader, MethodWriter
from .serialization import AMQPWriter
from .abstract_channel import AbstractChannel
from .channel import Channel
from .exceptions import ResourceError, AMQPConnectionError, Timeout, error_for_code
from .transport import create_transport
from . import spec
from .spec import method_t
from .concurrency import synchronized_connection
from .login import login_responses

__all__ = ['Connection']

# client property info that gets sent to the server on connection startup
    'product': 'amqpy',
    'product_version': __version__,
    'version': __version__,
    'capabilities': {},

log = logging.getLogger('amqpy')


[docs]class Connection(AbstractChannel): """The connection class provides methods for a client to establish a network connection to a server, and for both peers to operate the connection thereafter """
[docs] def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=5672, ssl=None, connect_timeout=None, userid='guest', password='guest', login_method='AMQPLAIN', virtual_host='/', locale='en_US', channel_max=65535, frame_max=131072, heartbeat=0, client_properties=None, on_blocked=None, on_unblocked=None): """Create a connection to the specified host If you are using SSL, make sure the correct port number is specified (usually 5671), as the default of 5672 is for non-SSL connections. :param str host: host :param int port: port :param ssl: dict of SSL options passed to :func:`ssl.wrap_socket()`, None to disable SSL :param float connect_timeout: connect timeout :param str userid: username :param str password: password :param str login_method: login method (this is server-specific); default is for RabbitMQ :param str virtual_host: virtual host :param str locale: locale :param int channel_max: maximum number of channels :param int frame_max: maximum frame payload size in bytes :param float heartbeat: heartbeat interval in seconds, 0 disables heartbeat :param client_properties: dict of client properties :param on_blocked: callback on connection blocked :param on_unblocked: callback on connection unblocked :type connect_timeout: float or None :type client_properties: dict or None :type ssl: dict or None :type on_blocked: Callable or None :type on_unblocked: Callable or None """ log.debug('amqpy {} Connection.__init__()'.format(__version__)) self.conn_lock = Lock() #: Map of `{channel_id: Channel}` for all active channels #: #: :type: dict[int, Channel] self.channels = {} # dict of {channel_id int: Channel} # the connection object itself is treated as channel 0 super(Connection, self).__init__(self, 0) # also sets channels[0] = self # instance variables #: :type: amqpy.transport.Transport self.transport = None self.method_reader = None self.method_writer = None self._wait_tune_ok = None # properties set in the start method, after a connection is established self.version_major = 0 self.version_minor = 0 self.server_properties = {} self.mechanisms = [] self.locales = [] # properties set in the Tune method self.channel_max = channel_max self.frame_max = frame_max if six.PY2: self._avail_channel_ids = array(b'H', range(self.channel_max, 0, -1)) else: self._avail_channel_ids = array('H', range(self.channel_max, 0, -1)) self._heartbeat_final = 0 # final heartbeat interval after negotiation self._heartbeat_server = None # save connection parameters self._host = host self._port = port self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout self._ssl = ssl self._userid = userid self._password = password self._login_method = login_method self._virtual_host = virtual_host self._locale = locale self._heartbeat_client = heartbeat # original heartbeat interval value proposed by client self._client_properties = client_properties # callbacks self.on_blocked = on_blocked self.on_unblocked = on_unblocked # heartbeat self._close_event = Event() self._heartbeat_thread = None self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect using saved connection parameters This method does not need to be called explicitly; it is called by the constructor during initialization. Note: reconnecting invalidates all declarations (channels, queues, consumers, delivery tags, etc.). """ # start the connection; this also sends the connection protocol header self.connection = self # AbstractChannel.connection self.transport = create_transport(self._host, self._port, self._connect_timeout, self.frame_max, self._ssl) # create global instances of `MethodReader` and `MethodWriter` which can be used by all # channels self.method_reader = MethodReader(self.transport) self.method_writer = MethodWriter(self.transport, self.frame_max) # wait for server to send the 'start' method self.wait(spec.Connection.Start) # create 'login response' to send to server login_response = login_responses[self._login_method](self._userid, self._password) # reply with 'start-ok' and connection parameters # noinspection PyArgumentList client_props = dict(LIBRARY_PROPERTIES, **self._client_properties or {}) self._send_start_ok(client_props, self._login_method, login_response, self._locale) self._wait_tune_ok = True while self._wait_tune_ok: self.wait_any([spec.Connection.Secure, spec.Connection.Tune]) self._send_open(self._virtual_host) # set up automatic heartbeats, if requested for: if self._heartbeat_final: self._close_event.clear() log.debug('Start automatic heartbeat thread') thr = Thread(target=self._heartbeat_run, name='amqp-HeartBeatThread-%s' % id(self)) thr.daemon = True thr.start() self._heartbeat_thread = thr
@property def last_heartbeat_recv(self): return self.transport.last_heartbeat_received @property def last_heartbeat_sent(self): return self.transport.last_heartbeat_sent @property def connected(self): """Check if connection is connected :return: True if connected, else False :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.transport and self.transport.connected) @property def sock(self): """Access underlying TCP socket :return: socket :rtype: socket.socket """ if self.transport and self.transport.sock: return self.transport.sock @property def server_capabilities(self): """Get server capabilities These properties are set only after successfully connecting. :return: server capabilities :rtype: dict """ return self.server_properties.get('capabilities') or {} @synchronized_connection()
[docs] def channel(self, channel_id=None): """Create a new channel, or fetch the channel associated with `channel_id` if specified :param channel_id: channel ID number :type channel_id: int or None :return: Channel :rtype: """ try: return self.channels[channel_id] except KeyError: return Channel(self, channel_id)
[docs] def send_heartbeat(self): """Send a heartbeat to the server """ self.transport.send_heartbeat()
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Check if connection is alive This method is the primary way to check if the connection is alive. Side effects: This method may send a heartbeat as a last resort to check if the connection is alive. :return: True if connection is alive, else False :rtype: bool """ if self.transport: return self.transport.is_alive() else: return False
def _wait_any(self, timeout=None): """Wait for any event on the connection (for any channel) When a method is received on the channel, it is delivered to the appropriate channel incoming method queue :param float timeout: timeout :return: method :rtype: amqpy.proto.Method """ # check the method queue of each channel for ch_id, channel in self.channels.items(): if channel.incoming_methods: return channel.incoming_methods.pop(0) # do a blocking read for any incoming method method = self.method_reader.read_method(timeout) return method
[docs] def drain_events(self, timeout=None): """Wait for an event on all channels This method should be called after creating consumers in order to receive delivered messages and execute consumer callbacks. :param timeout: maximum allowed time to wait for an event :type timeout: float or None :raise amqpy.exceptions.Timeout: if the operation times out """ method = self._wait_any(timeout) assert isinstance(method, Method) #: :type: amqpy.Channel channel = self.channels[method.channel_id] return channel.handle_method(method)
[docs] def loop(self, timeout=None): """Call :meth:`drain_events` continuously - Does not raise Timeout exceptions if a timeout occurs :param timeout: maximum allowed time to wait for an event :type timeout: float or None """ while True: try: self.drain_events(timeout) except Timeout: break
[docs] def close(self, reply_code=0, reply_text='', method_type=method_t(0, 0)): """Close connection to the server This method performs a connection close handshake with the server, then closes the underlying connection. If this connection close is due to a client error, the client may provide a `reply_code`, `reply_text`, and `method_type` to indicate to the server the reason for closing the connection. :param int reply_code: the reply code :param str reply_text: localized reply text :param method_type: if close is triggered by a failing method, this is the method that caused it :type method_type: amqpy.spec.method_t """ if not self.is_alive(): # already closed log.debug('Already closed') return # signal to the heartbeat thread to stop sending heartbeats if self._heartbeat_final: self._close_event.set() self._heartbeat_thread.join() self._heartbeat_thread = None args = AMQPWriter() args.write_short(reply_code) args.write_shortstr(reply_text) args.write_short(method_type.class_id) args.write_short(method_type.method_id) self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.Close, args)) return self.wait_any([spec.Connection.Close, spec.Connection.CloseOk])
def _heartbeat_run(self): # `is_alive()` sends heartbeats if the connection is alive while self.is_alive(): # `close` is set to true if the `close_event` is signalled close = self._close_event.wait(self._heartbeat_final / 1.5) if close: break def _close(self): try: self.transport.close() channels = [x for x in self.channels.values() if x is not self] for ch in channels: # noinspection PyProtectedMember ch._close() except socket.error: pass # connection already closed on the other end finally: self.transport = self.connection = None self.channels = {0: self} # reset the channels state def _get_free_channel_id(self): """Get next free channel ID :return: next free channel_id :rtype: int """ try: return self._avail_channel_ids.pop() except IndexError: raise ResourceError('No free channel ids, current={0}, channel_max={1}'.format( len(self.channels), self.channel_max), spec.Channel.Open) def _claim_channel_id(self, channel_id): """Claim channel ID :param channel_id: channel ID :type channel_id: int """ try: return self._avail_channel_ids.remove(channel_id) except ValueError: raise AMQPConnectionError('Channel {} already open'.format(channel_id)) def _cb_close(self, method): """Handle received connection close This method indicates that the sender (server) wants to close the connection. This may be due to internal conditions (e.g. a forced shut-down) or due to an error handling a specific method, i.e. an exception. When a close is due to an exception, the sender provides the class and method id of the method which caused the exception. """ args = method.args reply_code = args.read_short() # the AMQP reply code reply_text = args.read_shortstr() # the localized reply text class_id = args.read_short() # class_id of method method_id = args.read_short() # method_id of method self._send_close_ok() # send a close-ok to the server, to confirm that we've # acknowledged the close request method_type = method_t(class_id, method_id) raise error_for_code(reply_code, reply_text, method_type, AMQPConnectionError, self.channel_id) def _cb_blocked(self, method): """RabbitMQ Extension """ reason = method.args.read_shortstr() if callable(self.on_blocked): # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return self.on_blocked(reason) def _cb_unblocked(self, method): assert method if callable(self.on_unblocked): # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return self.on_unblocked() def _send_close_ok(self): """Confirm a connection close that has been requested by the server This method confirms a Connection.Close method and tells the recipient that it is safe to release resources for the connection and close the socket. RULE: A peer that detects a socket closure without having received a Close-Ok handshake method SHOULD log the error. """ self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.CloseOk)) self._close() def _cb_close_ok(self, method): """Confirm a connection close This method is called when the server send a close-ok in response to our close request. It is now safe to close the underlying connection. """ assert method self._close() def _send_open(self, virtual_host, capabilities=''): """Open connection to virtual host This method opens a connection to a virtual host, which is a collection of resources, and acts to separate multiple application domains within a server. RULE: The client MUST open the context before doing any work on the connection. :param virtual_host: virtual host path :param capabilities: required capabilities :type virtual_host: str :type capabilities: str """ args = AMQPWriter() args.write_shortstr(virtual_host) args.write_shortstr(capabilities) args.write_bit(False) self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.Open, args)) return self.wait(spec.Connection.OpenOk) def _cb_open_ok(self, method): """Signal that the connection is ready This method signals to the client that the connection is ready for use. """ assert method log.debug('Open OK') def _cb_secure(self, method): """Security mechanism challenge The SASL protocol works by exchanging challenges and responses until both peers have received sufficient information to authenticate each other This method challenges the client to provide more information. PARAMETERS: challenge: longstr security challenge data Challenge information, a block of opaque binary data passed to the security mechanism. """ challenge = method.args.read_longstr() assert challenge def _send_secure_ok(self, response): """Security mechanism response This method attempts to authenticate, passing a block of SASL data for the security mechanism at the server side. PARAMETERS: response: longstr security response data A block of opaque data passed to the security mechanism. The contents of this data are defined by the SASL security mechanism. """ args = AMQPWriter() args.write_longstr(response) self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.SecureOk, args)) def _cb_start(self, method): """Start connection negotiation callback This method starts the connection negotiation process by telling the client the protocol version that the server proposes, along with a list of security mechanisms which the client can use for authentication. RULE: If the client cannot handle the protocol version suggested by the server it MUST close the socket connection. RULE: The server MUST provide a protocol version that is lower than or equal to that requested by the client in the protocol header. If the server cannot support the specified protocol it MUST NOT send this method, but MUST close the socket connection. PARAMETERS: version_major: octet protocol major version The protocol major version that the server agrees to use, which cannot be higher than the client's major version. version_minor: octet protocol major version The protocol minor version that the server agrees to use, which cannot be higher than the client's minor version. server_properties: table server properties mechanisms: longstr available security mechanisms A list of the security mechanisms that the server supports, delimited by spaces. Currently ASL supports these mechanisms: PLAIN. locales: longstr available message locales A list of the message locales that the server supports, delimited by spaces The locale defines the language in which the server will send reply texts. RULE: All servers MUST support at least the en_US locale. """ args = method.args self.version_major = args.read_octet() self.version_minor = args.read_octet() self.server_properties = args.read_table() self.mechanisms = args.read_longstr().split(' ') self.locales = args.read_longstr().split(' ') properties = pprint.pformat(self.server_properties) log.debug('Start from server') log.debug('Version: {}.{}'.format(self.version_major, self.version_minor)) log.debug('Server properties:\n{}'.format(properties)) log.debug('Security mechanisms: {}'.format(self.mechanisms)) log.debug('Locales: {}'.format(self.locales)) def _send_start_ok(self, client_properties, mechanism, response, locale): """Select security mechanism and locale This method selects a SASL security mechanism. ASL uses SASL (RFC2222) to negotiate authentication and encryption. PARAMETERS: client_properties: table client properties mechanism: shortstr selected security mechanism A single security mechanisms selected by the client, which must be one of those specified by the server. RULE: The client SHOULD authenticate using the highest- level security profile it can handle from the list provided by the server. RULE: The mechanism field MUST contain one of the security mechanisms proposed by the server in the Start method. If it doesn't, the server MUST close the socket. response: longstr security response data A block of opaque data passed to the security mechanism. The contents of this data are defined by the SASL security mechanism For the PLAIN security mechanism this is defined as a field table holding two fields, LOGIN and PASSWORD. locale: shortstr selected message locale A single message local selected by the client, which must be one of those specified by the server. """ if self.server_capabilities.get('consumer_cancel_notify'): if 'capabilities' not in client_properties: client_properties['capabilities'] = {} client_properties['capabilities']['consumer_cancel_notify'] = True if self.server_capabilities.get('connection.blocked'): if 'capabilities' not in client_properties: client_properties['capabilities'] = {} client_properties['capabilities']['connection.blocked'] = True args = AMQPWriter() args.write_table(client_properties) args.write_shortstr(mechanism) args.write_longstr(response) args.write_shortstr(locale) self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.StartOk, args)) def _cb_tune(self, method): """Handle received "tune" method This method is the handler for receiving a "tune" method. `channel_max` and `frame_max` are set to the lower of the values proposed by each party. PARAMETERS: channel_max: short proposed maximum channels The maximum total number of channels that the server allows per connection. Zero means that the server does not impose a fixed limit, but the number of allowed channels may be limited by available server resources. frame_max: long proposed maximum frame size The largest frame size that the server proposes for the connection. The client can negotiate a lower value Zero means that the server does not impose any specific limit but may reject very large frames if it cannot allocate resources for them. RULE: Until the frame-max has been negotiated, both peers MUST accept frames of up to 4096 octets large. The minimum non-zero value for the frame-max field is 4096. heartbeat: short desired heartbeat delay The delay, in seconds, of the connection heartbeat that the server wants Zero means the server does not want a heartbeat. """ args = method.args client_heartbeat = self._heartbeat_client or 0 # maximum number of channels that the server supports self.channel_max = min(args.read_short(), self.channel_max) # largest frame size the server proposes for the connection self.frame_max = min(args.read_long(), self.frame_max) self.method_writer.frame_max = self.frame_max # heartbeat interval proposed by server self._heartbeat_server = args.read_short() or 0 # negotiate the heartbeat interval to the smaller of the specified values if self._heartbeat_server == 0 or client_heartbeat == 0: self._heartbeat_final = max(self._heartbeat_server, client_heartbeat) else: self._heartbeat_final = min(self._heartbeat_server, client_heartbeat) # Ignore server heartbeat if client_heartbeat is disabled if not self._heartbeat_client: self._heartbeat_final = 0 self._send_tune_ok(self.channel_max, self.frame_max, self._heartbeat_final) def _send_tune_ok(self, channel_max, frame_max, heartbeat): """Negotiate connection tuning parameters This method sends the client's connection tuning parameters to the server. Certain fields are negotiated, others provide capability information. PARAMETERS: channel_max: short negotiated maximum channels The maximum total number of channels that the client will use per connection. May not be higher than the value specified by the server. RULE: The server MAY ignore the channel-max value or MAY use it for tuning its resource allocation. frame_max: long negotiated maximum frame size The largest frame size that the client and server will use for the connection. Zero means that the client does not impose any specific limit but may reject very large frames if it cannot allocate resources for them. Note that the frame-max limit applies principally to content frames, where large contents can be broken into frames of arbitrary size. RULE: Until the frame-max has been negotiated, both peers must accept frames of up to 4096 octets large. The minimum non-zero value for the frame- max field is 4096. heartbeat: short desired heartbeat delay The delay, in seconds, of the connection heartbeat that the client wants. Zero means the client does not want a heartbeat. """ args = AMQPWriter() args.write_short(channel_max) args.write_long(frame_max) args.write_short(heartbeat or 0) self._send_method(Method(spec.Connection.TuneOk, args)) self._wait_tune_ok = False METHOD_MAP = { spec.Connection.Start: _cb_start, spec.Connection.Secure: _cb_secure, spec.Connection.Tune: _cb_tune, spec.Connection.OpenOk: _cb_open_ok, spec.Connection.Close: _cb_close, spec.Connection.CloseOk: _cb_close_ok, spec.Connection.Blocked: _cb_blocked, spec.Connection.Unblocked: _cb_unblocked, }