Source code for amqpy.exceptions

AMQP uses exceptions to handle errors:

* Any operational error (message queue not found, insufficient access rights, etc.) results in a
  channel exception.
* Any structural error (invalid argument, bad sequence of methods, etc.) results in a connection

According to the AMQP specification, an exception closes the associated channel or connection,  and
returns a reply code and reply text to the client. However, amqpy will automatically re-open the
channel after a channel error.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__metaclass__ = type
import struct
from collections import namedtuple

from . import compat

compat.patch()  # monkey-patch builtins.TimeoutError

method_t = namedtuple('method_t', ('class_id', 'method_id'))

__all__ = [
    'AMQPConnectionError', 'ChannelError',
    'RecoverableConnectionError', 'IrrecoverableConnectionError',
    'RecoverableChannelError', 'IrrecoverableChannelError',
    'ConsumerCancelled', 'ContentTooLarge', 'NoConsumers',
    'ConnectionForced', 'InvalidPath', 'AccessRefused', 'NotFound',
    'ResourceLocked', 'PreconditionFailed', 'FrameError', 'FrameSyntaxError',
    'InvalidCommand', 'ChannelNotOpen', 'UnexpectedFrame', 'ResourceError',
    'NotAllowed', 'AMQPNotImplementedError', 'InternalError',

[docs]class Timeout(TimeoutError): """General AMQP operation timeout """ pass
class AMQPError(Exception): code = 0 def __init__(self, reply_text=None, method_type=None, method_name=None, reply_code=None, channel_id=None): """ :param reply_text: localized reply text :param method_type: method type :param method_name: method name :param reply_code: AMQP reply (exception) code :param channel_id: associated channel ID, if any :type reply_text: str or None :type method_type: amqpy.spec.method_t or None :type method_name: str or None :type reply_code: int or None :type channel_id: int or None """ self.message = reply_text self.reply_code = reply_code or self.code self.reply_text = reply_text self.method_type = method_type self.method_name = method_name or '' if method_type and not self.method_name: self.method_name = METHOD_NAME_MAP.get(method_type, '') self.channel_id = channel_id super(AMQPError, self).__init__(self, reply_code, reply_text, method_type, self.method_name, channel_id) def __str__(self): if self.method: return '{0.method} [ch: {0.channel_id}]: ({0.reply_code}) {0.reply_text}'.format(self) return self.reply_text or '<AMQPError: unknown error>' @property def method(self): return self.method_name or self.method_type class AMQPConnectionError(AMQPError): pass class ChannelError(AMQPError): pass class RecoverableChannelError(ChannelError): pass class IrrecoverableChannelError(ChannelError): pass class RecoverableConnectionError(AMQPConnectionError): pass class IrrecoverableConnectionError(AMQPConnectionError): pass class Blocked(RecoverableConnectionError): pass class ConsumerCancelled(RecoverableConnectionError): pass
[docs]class ContentTooLarge(RecoverableChannelError): """The client attempted to transfer content larger than the server could accept at the present time. The client may retry at a later time. """ code = 311
[docs]class NoConsumers(RecoverableChannelError): """When the exchange cannot deliver to a consumer when the immediate flag is set. As a result of pending data on the queue or the absence of any consumers of the queue. """ code = 313
[docs]class ConnectionForced(RecoverableConnectionError): """An operator intervened to close the connection for some reason. The client may retry at some later date. """ code = 320
[docs]class InvalidPath(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The client tried to work with an unknown virtual host. """ code = 402
[docs]class AccessRefused(IrrecoverableChannelError): """The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access due to security settings. """ code = 403
[docs]class NotFound(IrrecoverableChannelError): """The client attempted to work with a server entity that does not exist. """ code = 404
[docs]class ResourceLocked(RecoverableChannelError): """The client attempted to work with a server entity to which it has no access because another client is working with it. """ code = 405
[docs]class PreconditionFailed(IrrecoverableChannelError): """The client requested a method that was not allowed because some precondition failed. """ code = 406
[docs]class FrameError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The sender sent a malformed frame that the recipient could not decode. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer. """ code = 501
[docs]class FrameSyntaxError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The sender sent a frame that contained illegal values for one or more fields. This strongly implies a programming error in the sending peer. """ code = 502
[docs]class InvalidCommand(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The client sent an invalid sequence of frames, attempting to perform an operation that was considered invalid by the server. This usually implies a programming error in the client. """ code = 503
[docs]class ChannelNotOpen(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The client attempted to work with a channel that had not been correctly opened. This most likely indicates a fault in the client layer. """ code = 504
[docs]class UnexpectedFrame(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The peer sent a frame that was not expected, usually in the context of a content header and body. This strongly indicates a fault in the peer's content processing. """ code = 505
[docs]class ResourceError(RecoverableConnectionError): """The server could not complete the method because it lacked sufficient resources. This may be due to the client creating too many of some type of entity. """ code = 506
[docs]class NotAllowed(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The client tried to work with some entity in a manner that is prohibited by the server, due to security settings or by some other criteria. """ code = 530
[docs]class AMQPNotImplementedError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The client tried to use functionality that is not implemented in the server. """ code = 540
[docs]class InternalError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """The server could not complete the method because of an internal error. The server may require intervention by an operator in order to resume normal operations. """ code = 541
ERROR_MAP = { 311: ContentTooLarge, 313: NoConsumers, 320: ConnectionForced, 402: InvalidPath, 403: AccessRefused, 404: NotFound, 405: ResourceLocked, 406: PreconditionFailed, 501: FrameError, 502: FrameSyntaxError, 503: InvalidCommand, 504: ChannelNotOpen, 505: UnexpectedFrame, 506: ResourceError, 530: NotAllowed, 540: AMQPNotImplementedError, 541: InternalError, } def error_for_code(code, text, meth_type, default, channel_id=None): """Get exception class associated with specified error code :param int code: AMQP reply code :param str text: localized reply text :param meth_type: method type :param default: default exception class if error code cannot be matched with an exception class :param channel_id: optional associated channel ID :type meth_type: amqpy.spec.method_t :type default: Callable :type channel_id: int or None :return: Exception object :rtype: Exception """ try: exc = ERROR_MAP[code] return exc(text, meth_type, reply_code=code, channel_id=channel_id) except KeyError: return default(text, meth_type, reply_code=code, channel_id=channel_id) METHOD_NAME_MAP = { method_t(10, 10): 'connection.start', method_t(10, 11): 'connection.start-ok', method_t(10, 20): '', method_t(10, 21): '', method_t(10, 30): 'connection.tune', method_t(10, 31): 'connection.tune-ok', method_t(10, 40): '', method_t(10, 41): '', method_t(10, 50): 'connection.close', method_t(10, 51): 'connection.close-ok', method_t(10, 60): 'connection.blocked', method_t(10, 61): 'connection.unblocked', method_t(20, 10): '', method_t(20, 11): '', method_t(20, 20): 'channel.flow', method_t(20, 21): 'channel.flow-ok', method_t(20, 40): 'channel.close', method_t(20, 41): 'channel.close-ok', method_t(30, 10): 'access.request', method_t(30, 11): 'access.request-ok', method_t(40, 10): 'exchange.declare', method_t(40, 11): 'exchange.declare-ok', method_t(40, 20): 'exchange.delete', method_t(40, 21): 'exchange.delete-ok', method_t(40, 30): 'exchange.bind', method_t(40, 31): 'exchange.bind-ok', method_t(40, 40): 'exchange.unbind', method_t(40, 51): 'exchange.unbind-ok', method_t(50, 10): 'queue.declare', method_t(50, 11): 'queue.declare-ok', method_t(50, 20): 'queue.bind', method_t(50, 21): 'queue.bind-ok', method_t(50, 30): 'queue.purge', method_t(50, 31): 'queue.purge-ok', method_t(50, 40): 'queue.delete', method_t(50, 41): 'queue.delete-ok', method_t(50, 50): 'queue.unbind', method_t(50, 51): 'queue.unbind-ok', method_t(60, 10): 'basic.qos', method_t(60, 11): 'basic.qos-ok', method_t(60, 20): 'basic.consume', method_t(60, 21): 'basic.consume-ok', method_t(60, 30): 'basic.cancel', method_t(60, 31): 'basic.cancel-ok', method_t(60, 40): 'basic.publish', method_t(60, 50): 'basic.return', method_t(60, 60): 'basic.deliver', method_t(60, 70): 'basic.get', method_t(60, 71): 'basic.get-ok', method_t(60, 72): 'basic.get-empty', method_t(60, 80): 'basic.ack', method_t(60, 90): 'basic.reject', method_t(60, 100): 'basic.recover-async', method_t(60, 110): 'basic.recover', method_t(60, 111): 'basic.recover-ok', method_t(60, 120): 'basic.nack', method_t(90, 10): '', method_t(90, 11): '', method_t(90, 20): 'tx.commit', method_t(90, 21): 'tx.commit-ok', method_t(90, 30): 'tx.rollback', method_t(90, 31): 'tx.rollback-ok', method_t(85, 10): '', method_t(85, 11): '', } # insert keys which are 4-byte unsigned int representations of a method type for easy lookups for mt, name in list(METHOD_NAME_MAP.items()): data = struct.pack('>HH', *mt) METHOD_NAME_MAP[struct.unpack('>I', data)[0]] = name