Source code for amqpy.spec

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

__metaclass__ = type
from collections import namedtuple

queue_declare_ok_t = namedtuple('queue_declare_ok_t', ['queue', 'message_count', 'consumer_count'])

basic_return_t = namedtuple('basic_return_t',
                            ['reply_code', 'reply_text', 'exchange', 'routing_key', 'message'])

method_t = namedtuple('method_t', ['class_id', 'method_id'])

#: The default, minimum frame size that both the client and server must be able to handle

[docs]class FrameType: """This class contains frame-related constants METHOD, HEADER, BODY, and HEARTBEAT are all frame type constants which make up the first byte of every frame. The END constant is the termination value which is the last byte of every frame. """ METHOD = 1 # method frame HEADER = 2 # content header frame BODY = 3 # content body frame HEARTBEAT = 8 # heartbeat frame END = 206 # not actually a frame type; this is the frame terminator byte
class Connection: CLASS_ID = 10 Start = method_t(10, 10) StartOk = method_t(10, 11) Secure = method_t(10, 20) SecureOk = method_t(10, 21) Tune = method_t(10, 30) TuneOk = method_t(10, 31) Open = method_t(10, 40) OpenOk = method_t(10, 41) Close = method_t(10, 50) CloseOk = method_t(10, 51) Blocked = method_t(10, 60) Unblocked = method_t(10, 61) class Channel: CLASS_ID = 20 Open = method_t(20, 10) OpenOk = method_t(20, 11) Flow = method_t(20, 20) FlowOk = method_t(20, 21) Close = method_t(20, 40) CloseOk = method_t(20, 41) class Exchange: CLASS_ID = 40 Declare = method_t(40, 10) DeclareOk = method_t(40, 11) Delete = method_t(40, 20) DeleteOk = method_t(40, 21) Bind = method_t(40, 30) BindOk = method_t(40, 31) Unbind = method_t(40, 40) UnbindOk = method_t(40, 51) class Queue: CLASS_ID = 50 Declare = method_t(50, 10) DeclareOk = method_t(50, 11) Bind = method_t(50, 20) BindOk = method_t(50, 21) Purge = method_t(50, 30) PurgeOk = method_t(50, 31) Delete = method_t(50, 40) DeleteOk = method_t(50, 41) Unbind = method_t(50, 50) UnbindOk = method_t(50, 51) class Basic: CLASS_ID = 60 Qos = method_t(60, 10) QosOk = method_t(60, 11) Consume = method_t(60, 20) ConsumeOk = method_t(60, 21) Cancel = method_t(60, 30) CancelOk = method_t(60, 31) Publish = method_t(60, 40) Return = method_t(60, 50) Deliver = method_t(60, 60) Get = method_t(60, 70) GetOk = method_t(60, 71) GetEmpty = method_t(60, 72) Ack = method_t(60, 80) Reject = method_t(60, 90) RecoverAsync = method_t(60, 100) Recover = method_t(60, 110) RecoverOk = method_t(60, 111) class Confirm: CLASS_ID = 85 Select = method_t(85, 10) SelectOk = method_t(85, 11) class Tx: CLASS_ID = 90 Select = method_t(90, 10) SelectOk = method_t(90, 11) Commit = method_t(90, 20) CommitOk = method_t(90, 21) Rollback = method_t(90, 30) RollbackOk = method_t(90, 31)